The Art of TEA
It is suggested that a cup of tea may offer an individual many health benefits. Here, at MyProductivity.Coach, I use tea, juice and other beverages as metaphor. When I talk tea here, I mean Time, Energy and Attention. I believe TEA is, as water is to life, essential to healthy productivity.
There is hardly a statement that is truer than this: Time is the most valuable thing we have. Time is more valuable than money. How we spend our time is a reflection of what we value. If you do not value your time, you do not value yourself. And, sadly, others will follow your example and devalue your time too.
Energy is the action, the thing we put into motion. Energy leads to consequences - positive or negative. Where are you investing your energy?
When we prioritize, consciously or unconsciously, we decide what gets our attention. What gets our attention, gets our energy. What gets our energy, gets our time. Remember what I said about time?
Your TEA?
What flavor is your TEA? Are you savoring it?
If not, I can help you to find a brew that is just right for you.