Are You on Time?
What does it mean to be on time? In some cultures, time is flexible. In some, to be 15 minutes early is to be on time, to arrive at the appointed time is late, and, after that, well...
Have you ever missed an opportunity because of time management or mismanagement?
Time really is finite. Once a moment passes, it cannot be retrieved. There are no do-overs.
Knowing your deepest desires is critical to mastering the time you have. Time mastery is so much more than trying to pack in as much as possible into a day. That is certainly one approach, and it works well for some. But does that approach work for you?
I write here about Time, Energy and Attention, and sometimes another E-word - the experience you want to have in this life. That is why it is imperative to know and understand what you want and why. Those answers will drive decisions about time planning, inform how you expend your energy, and lead to where you place your attention.
Working together, we will achieve mastery of all three. Join me and let's slay your day!